T-bone Truck Accident Lawyer El Paso

At Hit by a Truck Call Chuck, our attorney specializing in T-bone truck accidents, serves personal injury victims in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas following a collision with a semi-truck. With over 15 years of experience, our skilled T-bone accident lawyer has delivered effective solutions for injured clients and their families impacted by large truck T-bone collisions.

The significant force, weight, and impact of a T-bone truck accident can cause serious injuries to occupants of the smaller passenger vehicles involved. Whether the accident was due to the truck driver’s negligence, the trucking company’s inadequate hiring practices, or a defect in manufacturing, our attorney covering Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona is here to assist you in securing the best possible financial outcome for your injuries.

**How Do Manufacturing Defects in Trucks Lead to T-Bone Accidents in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas?**

Semi-trucks, like passenger vehicles, can suffer from manufacturing defects that may lead to accidents. However, given their size, including trailers up to 53 feet long requiring longer stopping distances, these defects can have more severe consequences.

Defective parts in an 18-wheeler can impair its operation, leading to serious T-bone accidents. Commonly affected parts include:

– Brakes
– Cargo straps and tie-downs
– Signals, lights, and safety indicators
– Steering columns
– Tires
– Transmission components
– Wheel axles

A defect in any of these areas can cause the driver to lose control, resulting in T-bone accidents that pose a significant risk to others on the road. Such accidents can have life-altering effects on the victims.

**Our Truck Accident Law Firm Also Offers Services In:**

– 18-Wheeler Accidents
– Big Rig Accidents
– Semi-Truck Accidents
– Truck vs. Truck Accidents

**Who Is Liable for T-Bone Truck Accidents Due to Defective Parts?**

Defects in truck parts can arise at any production stage, from design through to distribution. In the event of an accident caused by a defective part, liable parties may include:

– The truck driver, for not recognizing the danger of using faulty parts
– The trucking company responsible for vehicle maintenance
– The truck manufacturer is accountable for creating safe products
– The packaging and distribution company tasked with ensuring product quality

Whether due to design flaws or manufacturing errors, the introduction of dangerously defective products into the market can lead to serious injuries from negligent practices.

At Hit by a Truck Call Chuck, our T-bone truck accident attorney in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona will thoroughly investigate your accident and injuries to hold all responsible parties accountable, helping you secure the necessary medical care and recovery time.

**Contact Our Skilled T-Bone Truck Accident Lawyer in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas**

If you or someone close to you has been involved in a T-bone truck accident, reach out to our experienced attorney at Hit by a Truck Call Chuck in Arizona, New Mexico, or Texas. Call us today at 915-302-9480 for a complimentary consultation. Our 18-wheeler accident lawyer is ready to assist you 24/7, offering the guidance and support needed for your financial recovery.