All Computer fraud in North Carolina
All Computer fraud in North Carolina
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A lawyer who specializes in computer fraud law is typically known as a cybercrime or cybersecurity lawyer. This type of attorney focuses on legal issues related to computer and internet-based crimes, including fraud, hacking, identity theft, data breaches, and other computer-related offenses.
A cybercrime lawyer is well-versed in the various laws and regulations that govern computer and internet-based crimes, including federal and state laws and international treaties and agreements. They work with clients who have been victimized by computer crimes and those who are facing criminal charges related to computer and internet-based offenses.
Some specific tasks that a cybercrime lawyer may perform include investigating computer crimes, representing clients in court, negotiating plea deals, drafting legal documents, and providing legal advice and guidance to clients. They may also work closely with law enforcement agencies, cybersecurity experts, and other professionals to gather evidence and build strong cases for their clients.